Jun 17, 2011 18:13
THIS is an example of why I think Texas is going to shit. Gov. Good Hair (a.k.a. Rick Perry) has vetoed a bill that outlaws texting - both reading and writing - while driving.
Here's the AP story:
Gov. Rick Perry has vetoed a bill that would have outlawed sending or reading text messages while driving. Lawmakers approved the bill last month, but Perry called it an "overreach" and "government effort to micromanage the behavior of adults."
It was one of 23 bills Perry vetoed Friday, in addition to a handful of line item vetoes in the state budget.
Perry set the known record for vetoes by a Texas governor in 2001 with 83, according to the Texas Legislative Reference Library. That was shortly after he ascended to the governorship in December 2000, once fellow Republican George W. Bush resigned to become president.
Bush had far fewer vetoes during his tenure as governor. His highest total for a legislative session was 38 in 1997.
So it's perfectly acceptable for the government to give a driving safety test before allowing someone to get a driver's license, but they can't add more safety regulations to that?? Asking people who obviously have no common sense to NOT DO SOMETHING STUPID AND SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS is an overreach? REALLY??
Do you know how many people I see during rush hour texting? A LOT. I might read one on occasion, but only if I'm not surrounded with other cars, and I never EVER type one while driving. Well, unless I'm at a red light, and I put it down when the light turns green.
I would move to California, where they make more rational decisions law-wise (for the most part) but the whole expensive living, earthquakes, floods, landslide thing kinda makes me want to say no.
rick perry