Good Lord

Jun 13, 2011 18:59

 What am I thinking watching the Republican Debate? I'm concerned about my mental health by watching it. However, I'm also watching "Tweet the Press" a stream of comedian's tweets on, and am considering playing their drinking game (drink at "obamacare," "illegals" "socialism" "Reagan" but NOT "Bush." I guess because you'd get drunk WAY too fast if "Bush" was a buzzword). And CNN is allowing us regular folks to comment using twitter and the hashtag #CNNDebate. That's kinda cool. They're actually streaming the tweets using that hashtag on a giant screen in the room.

I'm pretty sure all of y'all know that I'm a democrat. I do lean to the right on some things (some defense things, for instance), but WAY left on others.

I think the things I'm going to have the hardest time dealing with are the fact that Ron Paul represents Texas (and my former city), and trying to not giggle every time someone says "Santorum." Google it, if you don't know why it's giggle-worthy.

I need to get a Colbert Super-PAC icon now, since my Stewart/Colbert '08 icon is rather dated now. (But the fact that I've been blogging since then is a strange concept to me. Has it really been over 3 years of me pouring my inanities out onto a blog?)

I'll let y'all know my feelings in an ETA later, I think.

OH GOD IT'S 2 HOURS LONG???  Now I'm ambivalent about watching it...

ETA: I'm basically feeling like the regular folks who asked questions are only getting their news from Fox or other conservative sources. By doing so, a person isn't as well-informed as they think, and that makes them dangerous.

I'm also concerned about everyone. Michelle Bachmann said one thing, and then IN THE SAME 2 MINUTES reversed what she said.

It was ridiculous of CNN not to have a timer for the candidates. Poor John King had to just interrupt and interrupt and interrupt everyone.

If I had played the drinking game, I'd have been drunk within the first 15 minutes, because "Obamacare" was said, like, 50 times.

Now to listen to Anderson Cooper "keep them honest."

debate, politics

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