A handful of stuff

Dec 01, 2010 17:45

One: Happy Hanukkah for any of y'all who celebrate.

Two: OMG my face. Sinus pressure like whoa. My cheekbones HURT and I can feel occasional crackles as the sudafed kicks in. I'm hoping that the sudafed works. Otherwise I'm looking like a miserable time this evening. At least there's some good tv on tonight to distract me, including the finale of ANTM (while I think Ann is more Vogue, Chelsea has more of the ability to swing back and forth between high fashion and Cover Girl. I still maintain that Tyra's fucking NUTS this season thinking that there can be someone who's just as good at looking all crazy couture for Vogue Italia AND also has the personality and commercial-ness to do Cover Girl.) There's also the premiere of the new season of Celebrity Rehab, Human Target (Mark Valley is SO FINE, looking a lot hotter now than he did 15 years ago when he was on Days of Our Lives), The Whole Truth (which I like, even though the best part is the last 2 minutes when you find out who really committed the crime), and both L&O:SVU and L&O:LA. After the let down of having almost NO new stuff last night, I'm thrilled to have a bunch of new hours to watch tonight.

AWESOME!! Craig has leaked his Doctor Who musical opening from a couple of weeks ago! Craig wrote the lyrics to go along with the theme song for the show. Because he's cool like that. Here, feast your eyes on the excellence:

image Click to view

The next-door neighbors - the ones with the annoying endlessly barking dogs - are making a shit ton of noise. I'm presuming they're putting up Christmas decorations or something, as there's been a lot of hammering and wooden boards falling. Either way, it's great timing since all I want is silence while I have this headache.

Finally, I'm really annoyed about how the GOP leaders talked to the President yesterday saying that they were all for bi-partisan work - particularly to resolve the tax cuts issues - during the lame-duck Congressional session and LIED since they signed a pact today to stop everything else being passed until the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% of Americans goes through as before. BASTARDS. [/rant]

pain, rant, youtube, craig ferguson, lolcats, headaches, politics, holidays, doctor who

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