
Jun 01, 2010 09:17

Yep. I'm still here.

Nothing much going on. Having a rather blah, boring time. So... let me find other stuff besides my life to discuss.

I haven't done a "Wow, I think this tv commercial is X" post in a hell of a long time! Alright!
- The Postal Service commercial featuring the toys from Toy Story. Having Hamm (voiced by John Ratzenberger) dressed as a mail man (a nod to John's run as Cliff on Cheers) is just hilarious.
- Basically ANY commercial featuring the toys from Toy Story right now has me giggling.
- I'm loving the Geico commercials featuring the Hillstrand brothers, Andy and Jonathan, from Deadliest Catch being pranked by the pile of money. FYI: I have found the pile of money pranking people while "I Always Feel Like (Somebody's Watching Me)" plays are the funniest of all of the Geico gimmick ads. It's something about the giant eyes, I think.
- The ads for TLC's summer programming line-up are driving me BONKERS. The mother from The Cake Boss has a line that makes me cringe, because her voice is one of those sounds that just makes you wonder how other people stand it. Also, Kate Plus 8? Oh, that's not awkward at all....

Moving on... Mom's been working on finding homes for a litter of kittens born on the property of the hospital where she works. She had a whole bunch of people at one point lined up to take all of the kitties. She says that now a bunch are backing out. This is bad, because this horrible woman in charge hates cats and has threatened to have all of them shipped to the pound if they're not removed today. Thus Mom's headed to the hospital on her day off to take two of these kitties home with her. They're from the litter before the current one, and so no one wants them.  Mom's already built a relationship with them, sort of. What was shocking about this whole situation was that no one clued me in AT ALL. Like, I had absolutely no idea that we were going to have two more kitties at the house today. Had I not stayed up as late as I did last night, I would have woken up today to surprise extra cats. Mom has said that she is going to only hang on to them until they are fixed and then give them to the SPCA to be adopted out. But, as always happens, if we take in a stray, by the time they recuperate from the surgery, they've worked their way into our hearts and we can't part with them. Mom says that she'd let them stay outdoors kitties if they stay. I have a problem with this, as we had too many losses and disappearances of our outdoor kitties when I was a kid, and I just can't deal with another loss right now. I told Mom that I would be fine keeping the kitties, but she'd have to get the porch enclosed (which will cost some decent amount of money, and not something we can do ourselves as it will take adding more support, drilling into the brick facade of the house, and cutting weird angles at the porch roof) so that they don't run away. This seems to have made an impression on Mom, and she swears that they won't stay. We'll see.

kitties, sis, commercial, tv, mom

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