Dr Who and other musings

May 15, 2010 22:58

My biggest problem with Eleven thus far: During "Flesh and Stone," Eleven talks about the changing direction of gravity and uses the word, "orientate." OMG. One of my biggest pet peeves is that word. There is no such word. It's ORIENT. "The gravity orients you in the correct direction." Now, I don't know if it was a gaffe on Moffat's part, or on Matt's, but either way, I know that kinda shit wouldn't have gone down with RTD and either Ecclestone or Tennant. NOT COOL. (As you can see, David's quite perturbed in my icon up there.)

That's like my like/dislike of that new show on CBS Miami Medical. While I love Jeremy Northam, and think Omar Gooding's also quite lovely, I can't get over Dr. Proctor's sternotomy scar is a freaking JOKE. If he'd really had a median sternotomy to do some kind of cardiac procedure, that puppy would run from the notch in his collarbone halfway down to his belly button. Not that nice little 4 in pink incision. To crack one's chest open, you need to be able to access the entire sternum, necessitating a much longer incision.

Then again, I have a thing about medical shows misusing a stryker saw. It's a vibrating blade. If you've ever had a cast cut off, you know what it is. It works on hard materials only - bone, plaster, etc. Skin and other soft tissues can't be damaged by it (though you might get some irritation and a bad rug burn if it's in one spot too long). So trying to use a saw like that to crack open a skull at autopsy or slice off a body part in a murder cannot happen. It's impossible. I'm all for creativity, but at least use the proper tools.

Mom, Sis, and I had a very trippy psychic link thing happen earlier. I was telling Sis about how last night around 2am, Mom smelled something nasty in the house. She decided that it was coming from one of our rooms upstairs. She proceeded to spray an ungodly amount of Febreeze (the fabric spray, not the air spray) into the cold air return duct that sits by her door. This duct then moves the air through the system and straight into my room since my bedroom is right underneath the air handler. All of the sudden, this horrible spray of toxic fumes comes barreling out of the vent that is unfortunately oriented right above my bed. My eyes watered and my trachea immediately slammed shut. I was coughing and wheezing for a good 20 minutes until the room cleared out. Then Mom let me know that something was smelling and that's why she had done it. (My mother, by the way, doesn't seem to understand the difference between Febreeze fabric spray and Febreeze air freshener. She uses the fabric spray for nasty smells in the air, and then wonders why it doesn't work. She also uses it on the cat box and wonders why it doesn't work. I still love her, though.) I asked her to NEVER EVER spray stuff into that duct again without letting me know, because DAMN. Anyway, I was telling Sis this story when she got home this evening and Mom was at work. We were having a laugh over it when Mom sent me a text that read, "I figured it out. It was stuff in the kitchen sink. Fixed now. I won't need to spray anymore. See you later." Naturally, my response was, "Mom you psychic freak. S and I were literally sitting here talking about that when your txt popped up.Weirdo." She replied, "I was telling my patients about family psychic stuff while they watched Premonition earlier. Wierrrrrddddd." That just capped it for me on the freak-o-meter. The women in my mom's family have always been like that. We're special.

We had a lovely fabulous thunderstorm front move through yesterday evening. It was heavenly. I've missed the good weather like that. I can't remember the last time we had a real thunderstorm event where it was more than just a couple of rumbles and sheet lightning. We actually ended up with some flooding and stuff here in Houston. It was one of those awesome fronts that moves really slowly and trains so you get consistently strong storms for hours on end. Ahh. Good stuff.

psychic stuff, thunderstorms, sis, pet peeves, tv, mom, rain, weather, houston, doctor who

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