May 12, 2010 15:52
Okay, Google Chrome. I gave you a chance. I was told you were faster and sleeker than Firefox. In reality, you were just as annoying with your problems, only you had different ones. You started up faster, but your pages loaded more slowly. I couldn't use shockwave most of the time because you didn't like it. Your "Mr. Yuck" folder icon telling me certain pages were unresponsive (after they paused for five seconds sheesh) got incredibly annoying. Not being able to customize you as much as Firefox was frustrating. I have given up, and returned to the Fox. At least I understand its problems.
Crone: In order to refile for my social security disability/insurance, I need to fill out a new application. Naturally, I don't have all of the information anymore to fill out the form accurately. Since Janice the She-Beast was the one who actually filled the application out online (with me on the phone providing the answers), I had to suck it up and e-mail her asking for copies of the original application so I can fill the new app out accurately. I know I'm going to get a long letter with tons of chastising about random shit, and some lame guilt trip about me not wanting an "adult relationship" with them. Umm... gee... lemme think about why I wouldn't want one.... Huh, I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't want to talk to my abuser and his heinous succubus. I'm thrilled. This will be the first contact I've really had with them since they dumped my ass last July. I've made it almost a year, and while I complain constantly about dealing with the county health system and what not, my life is so much better just because I can open my e-mail and not have to cringe wondering what demeaning cruel thing the bitch has to say next.
Other stuff: my therapist had to cancel again. This time it's because her mother died suddenly last night. I told her to not worry about me and to just take care of herself. I know what an unexpected death in the family feels like, and I know how much of a mindfuck it is. I feel so bad for her. Her stepfather just had a stint put in his heart a month ago, and now his wife, her mom, unexpectedly passes. That's a lot for someone to handle. I'm glad I'm making a shawl for her (I asked if it was okay if I made one for her, since she tends to be cold during our sessions). I can pray over it and hopefully make it even more comforting that way. (Plus, the pattern for it is super easy and very neat looking.)
I'm actually doing pretty okay. I went and bought a journal the other day, and I've been writing in it regularly. This way, I can process my feelings right then and there and so those things don't fester. It's been a very good thing. However, it's one of those journals that you don't ever want anyone to read because it's really graphic about situations and my feelings about them.
Cole and Andy have now decided that they have to sleep pretty much completely cuddled up to me. I wake up most mornings with them taking up one half of the bed, and me stuck on the other. Cole cuddles right up near my chin, and Andy lies on my body pillow that I cuddle with (my significant others have hated the pillow, but it helps my back and also helps my ptsd issues). So sweet.
Sis' last two finals are today. She ran out of two of her psych meds over the weekend (because Dad and the Shebeast were out of the country in some unknown location - they're strange and refuse to tell us where they go on their trips - they couldn't pay for them until Monday evening. She was really out of it when she was supposed to go to school. It seemed like her brain had no grease and her mental gears were sticking. Very scary thing, I can tell you. Because one of the meds was for her fibromyalgia, she was also in incredible pain. I went and picked up her meds, and by yesterday morning, she was back to normal, if a little hypomanic. I was very happy to see her functioning well again. Better living through chemistry. She takes her last two finals today - English (her prof is letting her take the final with her other class, which is really awesome) and Developmental Psychology. She'll do fine on both.
We finally got Mom's car fixed!!!!!!! The blower for her a/c died about this time last year. She kept putting off fixing it for monetary reasons (and, I think, also for some reason, for her to suffer more). The only way to get air to flow through the car was to put it on outside air and drive really fast. Sitting at stop lights felt like you were sitting in an oven. The opposite happened during the winter - you had to keep the windows partially cracked to help the hot air flow through the car as you drove, but would freeze during stop lights. She dropped almost $500 on the repair, but the guys at our local car shop were amazing. The auto shop is literally about a half-mile from our house. They're very nice and very good at what they do. They had estimated that the wait would be about an hour to do the switch out. It took 20 minutes. When I got in the car and it was blowing cold air, I was so thrilled. I pulled around to the bays and asked who had worked on my car. One guy answered. I went in, shook his hand, and said "Thank you SO MUCH for giving me back my a/c!! I won't have to die of heat exhaustion when driving now!" He was not expecting that, but was very gracious. It also seems like he tinkered with a few other things because the radio is getting better reception, the engine is working better (I think he resealed up the hole in the air hose), etc. That's really awesome. Now I will be more willing to borrow Mom's car and not bargain with Sis to use hers (though I still like how her car drives more).
Social Security is a NIGHTMARE. I think they make this process as hard as possible on purpose. Which is really crappy for people who have disabilities. Oh, and I was insulted by the girl I spoke with when I explained that I have had bipolar since high school, and she said, "Did they ever put you in Special Ed?" Um... my moods are unstable, but I'm actually rather smart, lady. LORDY. Though, technically, I did have to take the non-honors courses at my public high school (freshman/sophmore years) for certain subjects because the honors classes were just too damn difficult (however, the regular classes were BORING AS SHIT). But I made A's instead of F's. Once I switched to my private school, I could take honors classes (because they were geared toward making sure I could understand the material), and spent my junior and senior years taking mainly classes at the local community college (where I made mostly A's). I now have an appointment with someone at the local office - which is ten minutes away from my house - to fill out applications and other forms. I've decided that since the office is so close, and the post office has a habit of losing my mail, I will fill out everything in person, and hopefully develop a relationship with one individual so we will be constantly on the same page. I think that will help very much. I definitely need someone to walk me through this process.
Okay. I think I'm done for the moment.
social security,