Sep 09, 2009 11:09

Look at me! (Well, the dot that represents approximately where I am)

CRAP. Well, I would show you the radar screencap, but since I'm currently at LAME account status, I can't access my scrapbook, and I'm not going to try and fuck with photobucket or flickr or anything while it's raining.

Imagine a radar screencap like my past ones, but with a TON OF RED right around my little dot. It's dark as dusk at the moment, that's how bad it is outside. And Fluffy's so scared of the almost constant rumbles of thunder that she's disappeared under the bed where it can't get her.

Rain just started. Naturally, Sis and I have to leave in an hour to drive to my psychiatry appointment, then to hers (ironically). I'm not thrilled at the prospect of getting soaked. At least I'm the one that's driving. I don't trust her to drive in deluge.

weather, sis, lj, doctors, fluffy, driving

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