I almost forgot...

Jul 02, 2009 15:31

Last night was really funny in the Bored household. After the alien woman impregnating the last man on Earth dance on So You Think You Can Dance, we started making jokes from MST3K: The Movie. The first one, of course, was "Well, I'm going to jam my ovipositor down your throat, BUT I"M NOT AN ALIEN!!" That got us started on a funny kick, but it kinda died down for a while.

Then, we were talking about what all would have to be bought in order to do the flooring in Sis' room and the porch enclosure (we're screening and lattice-ing the back porch so we have somewhere to put the kitties that are currently in Sis' room). I mentioned that there was a combo kit that had a drill and small circular saw. Mom: "But I already have a drill, it's just in the dining room." Me: "But you don't have the batteries or recharger, do you?" Mom: "No." Me: "So, we kinda need a new drill, huh?" Mom: "We can buy new batteries for the one we have." Me.: "But if we both had one we could do twice as much drilling and screwing!" Sis: "Umm... we don't do that here." Mom: "I'm not planning on screwing any time soon." Me: "Well, you haven't ever drilled either, and if you somehow have, don't tell me about it." It got worse after that, where I had to amend each phrase I used to that it couldn't be in any way taken as dirty. Mom mentioned a "battery-operated apparatus" to replace the word drill, but we decided that a battery-operated apparatus was in fact something else altogether used for drilling of a sort.

My family has really dirty minds sometimes. Then Sis got back on to the MST3K quotes... "Are you boys cooking up there? No. Are you building an interocetor? NOO." Etc. Good times.

movie quotes, sis, mom, funny

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