Triple Grr.

Jul 24, 2008 23:54

A general message to those who may have not voted for So You Think You Can Dance: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!? Freaking voting people made the show lose the best dancer in the history of the show. GRR.

Also? The air mattress I've been using as a makeshift bed sprung a leak due to cat claws and I currently have only the stupid uncomfortable couch. Double GRR. Mom maybe be stopping at the Walmart to get another one, but I hate that we have to spend money on another one because I can't get up the stairs to my room. Hopefully, the physical therapist will tell me next week (if/when I can make an appointment) that I can drive and climb the stairs. At the moment, it hurts too much to do so.

Also, I'm having a big huge problem with the pharmacist and now orthopedist's office over a prescription. All I have to say is I'm most likely switching my drugs to the Walmart across the street from my Wal-pharmacy and switching docs. Because this guy and his staff are all nothing but lazy assholes. No, I don't feel strongly about this matter at all.

But enough about me... how 'bout them Astros? Oh, wait, they're losing, too. Shit.

meds, sytycd, doctors, astros

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