TV issues

Mar 17, 2006 20:49

As previously stated, I'm now going to start watching American Inventor. The people are just too good, and it'll be great making fun of the fact that Mary Lou (the only woman on the panel) cries at the ones that have even the vaguest of sob stories, yet calls Doug (the nerdy inventor guy) an asshole when he is supportive of a crazy therapist who wants to put our children in plastic tubes so they can have "tizzies." Not that I didn't agree with the "asshole" tag at that moment.

I'm adding The Loop, The Evidence, and now, dammit, also Doctor Who (thanks, SciFi for starting the series from the beginning for me tonight). Totally different genres, but all really good in their own ways. Most likely Ghost Hunters will also be added to this list once the new season starts.

I'm having a horrible scheduling issue next Wednesday at 8pm. Idol, Lost, L&O, and Criminal Minds all at the same time, and all new. Crap. Since I don't have two DVRs in my house, I think I'll probably record Lost and either L&O or Criminal Minds (I haven't decided which yet), and watch American Idol on the other TV in my house. Oh, decisions.

american inventor, lost, tv, american idol

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