So, still in this weird mixed thing where I'm totally wanting to do a whole bunch of projects at once, yet completely sad and lethargic, too. I realized today that I haven't gotten my hair cut in over a year, so I needed to change my main icon.
The old me:
The new me for 2006:
My hair's longer (and my highlights have grown out), so I tend to always have it up in a ponytail or clip, but let my bangs hang across my face like that. Still have the black-rimmed glasses, even though they're not quite as stylish anymore because, like, I need to see, and shit. I'm also mainly keeping my small diamond hoops in, instead of wearing other earrings (and finally had a better earring selection, so, there ya go). Then, I realized that this new one had some nifty facial expressions because of the new hairdo, so I made
some extra icons. The only facial expression the old me could do decently was the angry face
. Here's the new angry me:
I can also do sad:
, and intrigued:
. Notice the raised eyebrow in that one. I love that. I figured that the face wasn't quite expressive enough, however, hence the "Ooohh.." which I hope will be read with the short "o" sound not the long one.
Wow. I have waayy too much time on my hands.
Oh! Oh!! AWESOME! It's raining. Like pouring. And lightning and thundering and whatnot. I am astounded. All of the local meteorologists were positive that we would only maybe get some rain and in no way would we get a thunderstorm. I grabbed a
screencap of the radar at its worst (since I was on the computer anyway). The black dot that's kinda in the center? That's basically where my apartment is. I was on the edge, but there was a lot of lightning. (
Here's what it looked like 11 minutes before the other picture, but the little black squares each signify a cloud-to-ground lightning strike. The bigger the square, the more recent the strike. Therefore, my apartment is noted in hot pink. See? Lots of lightning.) Reds! On the radar! It was CRAZY!! I LOVED IT. (
Here's another view of that radar image from the first storm that passed through. This one's from a local news channel. My apartment's up north and turquoise. I actually like this one because I don't have to guess at all where my apartment is - I can actually see the intersection on the map.) And there's more weather on its way. According to my fancy shmancy map (btw, I get all my super-duper meteorological data from, another storm should hit my area in around 40 minutes or so. These suckers are fast movers. I love spring. Rain. Stuff to look at on the radar. Ahh. A weather lover's dream. The rumbles of distant thunder are already starting to reach my ears. Joy.
Okay. I have to show more radar pictures. Not because anyone else cares, but because it's FRICKIN' COOL. This new storm is going to hit my apartment head on. I'm so excited! I've already pulled the power cable on my laptop just in case of a power surge and lit a candle in case of an outage (which always keeps them from happening). This is so great. The lightning is coming fast enough to create a strobe effect outside. And they've just interrupted The Drew Carey Show rerun in order to tell us the goings-on. Wow.
Look at this picture. (My apartment the blue dot this time.) I'm in the thick of things here. Sorry for all the stuff in it (E7 and F7 indicate individual cells inside the storm complex, so those areas are stronger than others. And I'm glad I'm not near that F7 storm, since that big yellow square indicates that there's a good probability for hail.). And it basically rolled right over my house. Dude.
This is another shot from that news radar. My apartment's the blue dot way up north. That purple area had just rolled over my house and made a bunch of noise. Fun!!
Okay. Storm's over. It's all moved north and east of me now. All that's left are sprinkles and distant rumbles. And the pulling of the power cord and candle lighting did keep the power problems away, just in case you were wondering. Sorry for my weather play-by-play. I weather-geeked out there.