Jan 14, 2006 23:12
I really just want to let all of my friends know that i miss them..ALL of them. I really wish i could hang out with all of you more often. A lot has gone on in my life since we last talked.
My christmas went okay,...i had to deal with some "custody" issues with m parents, and had to make a lot of decisions. I'm in a band and also doing a indipent side project which is just me and a piano/guitar...and we are both having shows soon...one is Febuary 10th at base amp. and another one is possibly Feb 24th with Providence, Broken Image, and Eversfield, which you should go to either way. I drive pretty soon, so I'll be able to see people more. I love all of you, and thanks for listening.
p.s. if you would like. say one memory about our friendship that would make me smile...i need it. I'll match the memory with another.