Jun 14, 2008 11:51
I have been struggling with something for a while now and I haven't been able to find peace. I went looking for a quote from Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue -- a quote which I intended to post out of spite and anger. I lent the book to a friend recently so I searched the internet and I found a ton of quotes from the book on one page. I started skimming through them and, instead of finding what I was originally looking for, I found something else:
"Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning."
"The way to reduce the pain which you associate with earthly experiences and events -- both yours and those of others -- is to change the way you behold them."
"There are no 'shoulds' or 'shouldn’ts' in God’s world. Do what you want to do. Do what reflects you, what represents you as a grander version of your Self. If you want to feel bad, feel bad. But judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end. And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, you will one day become. Rather, seek to change those things -- or support others who are changing those things -- which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You Are. Yet, bless all -- for all is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the highest creation."
Some people are very skeptical of the ideas presented in this book, but this makes so much sense to me. It will not be an easy process but at the end of it I truly believe I will be much happier. I will no longer feel the resentment which is poisoning me.
If you seek answers, you will find them.