Mar 22, 2006 21:16
if i ever got addicted to a drug, it would most definitely be speed. like elvis.
on that note, yesterday i decided/attempted to quit coffee cold turkey. i got a really bad "withdrawal" headache and overall felt really weak so i scratched that idea and decided to start weening myself off it/drinking more decaf. when i first drank coffee i'd be off-the-walls crazy and shake a whole lot if i wasn't moving, and now it doesn't really do much of anything for me. really, my only motivation to do this is cause i want that shakeyhyper feeling back; i'm not gonna lie.
the best way i can sum up my coffee consumption is that sometimes when i peed it would smell EXACTLY like coffee because it's like the only fluid i consume. i drink/drank A LOT of coffee. now, when people think of A LOT, they think of a lot. i did the math today and on work days i drank an average grand total of 64 ounces of a rico suave combonation of iced and hot coffee. yeah, i don't mess around.
p.s. i finally got around to sending my massart and aib essays in yesterday. i'm pretty sure both of those deadlines were like over a month ago.... whoops.
p.s.s. i'm trying to quit cereal, too.