Title: The Fear
Character/Pairing: Linkara, with a little bit of Linkara/Marz, Linkara/Insano and Linkara/Critic
Warning: Drug abuse
Word Count: 289
Disclaimer: Not mine. Stop asking.
A/N: Yep, it’s HookerVerse!Linkara’s time in the limelight. And before you remind me, Taking What You Deserve didn’t really count as that was more Mechakara. With
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*leaves box of dark chocolate peanut butter Kandykakes*
Now THERE'S something you can get hooked on.
*leaves box of dark chocolate peanut butter Kandykakes*
*makes grabby hands* Can't I have some? They sound yummy.
But on the other hand, I sent a box of 'em to Link himself and the Lovhaug clan was pleased with my offering.
Just...be sure to leave some for him. I think his folks pillaged the goods before he could get to them.
And to the Author (kill two birds with one stone), please send me a box of tissues because you made me tear up. DX Okay... maybe more than tear up.
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