Aug 28, 2004 02:15
I've decided after a while that I just didn't feel like updating a about stupid bullshit. But here I am! Instead of ranting about my emotions and such, I'm going to list my absolute faveorite movies.
Dawn of the Dead (remake)
now I first saw this movie a few days ago at Rafay's house. I was to taken with it to express emotion right after. It had some of the best violence ever.
The Longest Day
I doubt any of you have seen this movie. It's a WWII movie made in the fifties, I beleive. I first saw it many years ago, and I was inspired to say the least.
Donnie Darko
This movie was an inspiring work. I love those movies where a bunch of random shit happens that fits together at the end.
A Clockwork Orange
Oh god this movie was cool. I highly recommomend you rent it.
American History X
This movie moved me. In the beginning the nazi guy looks like an asshole, but you grow to love him and realize he's not a bad man. Go rent it.
Fight Club
This movie single handedly inspired violent brawls through out the neighborhoods. It also made me wish I had multiple personalities. Lets Fight Club!! right now!
Kill Bills (1 and 2)
I will lump both of the Kill Bill movies into one catagory. This movie was so insanley cool. I want a katana so bad just beacause of this movie.
Reservoir Dogs
I was so taken with this movie. After I had seen it on a rented disc, I went out and bought the tenth anniversery edition DVD. It makes me want to rob a bank or something.
Pulp Fiction
This movie was so cool. It made me love Samuel L. Jackson. 'I am one mushroom cloud layin' mother fucker, mother fucker' and the quotes go on. Go rent it NOW.