Hello Everyone! I'm back from Paris...it was fantastic! Do check out my facebook for the photos, and maybe I'll put up a proper post on the whole trip in a few more days.
While in Paris, I received an email from the good people at the omy.sg/Urban Homme Icon Challenge. Turns out, I've been selected as a finalist for the Urban Homme Icon Challenge, and will receive free treatments amounting to several thousand dollars over the next six weeks! The only catch is, I've to blog about it at least once a week, and consent to doing some publicity drives and shows. I figured since I'm already a writer and have a background in theatre and being onstage, this should be a walk in the park. Plus, I should end up looking better.
So for the next six weeks, I'll be taking a break from this LJ, unless some issue comes up that I simply have to rant about, of course.
Instead, catch me here:
Urban Homme Icon Challenge. Wish me luck - and do send me hearts at the bottom of every post. Merci beaucoup!