Nov 29, 2003 13:51
today im going over to sophies to see the worst band in the world. the kramers. i dont really wont to go, but sophie invited me, i dont no why, but she did. im gonna go there around three thirty, supposed to at three but most of thet people there i just cant stand eneymore. like logan, every time he gets around sophie, all he tries to do is impress her, and then that gets robbie all mad so he starts being a dick to everyone around him. thats also why ive bein hanging out with the "wiggers" lately. ther all laied back. no drama happens when im around them, thn il come back to my usual group and all thats happining is yelling and fighting, most of the time. its just not worth the effort eneymore.
later days. for eneyone who cares, i may be starting a band withe my friend kyle martin, and we still need a drumer, he dosent have to be good or eneything either.
gesin olnag thiw hoepis utshr os uhcm, easbcue i listl aehv feilensg orf reh.
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