May 07, 2005 22:08
OK, latest word is TOMORROW. Nice Mother's Day present, huh? :-)
BP is up again, protein is at 4+ (which I believe is as high as they measure). M is off all medications except magnesium sulfate and anything else they might give her there. She is completely off heparin and the iron supplement is off until afterward. No food after midnight. She is, however, having trouble breathing, due to the same problem that causes the protein...
OK, for anyone who doesn't know, protein in the urine is caused by (as it was explained to me by her doctor) the blood vessels leaking. Leaking as in fluids and other things actually leak through the walls and into the tissues. This of course causes swelling in all the tissues, and can cause pneumonia or like symptoms if it happens in the lungs. It also causes dehydration, as the water that was supposed to be in the blood is no longer in that system. Scary. Obviously this is something they are keeping a close eye on.
Now, for the good news. Eli appears fine. Tomorrow makes 33 weeks, only a week or so less than what Sarah made it, and she's fine. Last we saw he was around 3lbs 11oz, which was a week and a half ago. If he's growing as normal, he may be 4.5lbs now (ultrasounds are +/- 20%). I think that makes it only a very short stay in the NICU, which is very good for me.
Oh, and in the operating room should be Dr. Knudson, Dr. Chua (NICU), and possibly Suzette (NICU duty nurse... yes, she's still there!). If that's the case, I don't think we could have a better team.
More as more information comes in... but I won't promise to have an update before he's born. (Hey, you didn't really think I'd stop to update if there was an emergency now, did you? ;-) )