Yulemas...looking back

Dec 23, 2006 13:16

Chronological Order of Merriment

Daytime- spent in intense preparation of cleaning and organizing in a vain attempt to secure enough space for everyone. I had very random anxious bursts because of the weather. Most of my friends live in Stoney Creek and with the rain/fog, I worry.

5ish- Adam arrived. As a watched pot never boils, he and I squirted whipped cream onto the Jello shooters and fed Willow some (because Adam's a pimp and has to have all the ladies, regardless of species, adore him) hahaha luckily for him, his tatic worked.

5:30ish- Lauren and Eric arrived. My gods, it was ages since I last saw Eric and while LJ helps me know how things are with him, it's definitely not the same. Eric has such a delightful sense of humour. I began setting the table with food shortly after their arrival. I knew immediately that I should have bought more food because pumpernickle bread is too effin' good and Lauren and I, while ladies always, could easily have mowed down on the whole thing ourselves hahaha
The jokes about the fruit plate brought by Eric were great but fruit is ESSENTIAL at any big party because it's that "if I eat a brownie with a grape it weighs out" mindset. Unless that's just me :P
We joked around and noshed while we waited for the others.

Vanessa arrived and made a DELICIOUS non-alch punch (later known as "vunch") Eric seemed horrified that it had "skin" hahaha when it was really iced yogert. Oh Eric.
The Creekers (Carrera, Danks, Sean and Hamiltonians John and Megan) arrived around 6:30 safe and sound and full of sushi and desserts. We began eating shortly afterwards so that the hot food didn't get cold.
Julie, Laura and Laura Foster, with her ENORMOUS veggie tray, showed up and immediately were told to eat while there was still food hahaha Julie made her mumma's amazing meatballs and I was jokingly pissed when I saw Laura with a box of donuts. "That isn't a FUCKING nacho platter!" hahahahhaa

Oh, I drank an intense amount of wine. In a red goblet. For serious.

7pm- Andrew, in typical Andrew fashion, arrived bringing with him exotic fruit. There was immediately a sense of glove slapping vibe coming from Eric. hahahaha (it's okay Eric, I'll take grapes and berries over comdom-esque skin fruit anyday!)
SO we ate and laughed and told dead baby jokes. Vanessa gets a trophy of AWESOME for making me retch a bit over one of them. She totally trumped my apple/dead baby joke. I was impressed.

Presents began shortly after everyone began dessert. Oh the desserts. Fudge and that ridiculous "Bark" which was sin in square form hahaha And of course, Mumma Bogle's random and yummy dessert tray.

Lauren bought me a LOVELY stone coaster/plaque about friendship. I was very touched. I bought her underroo's with PIRATES on them and a Pirate shirt which fit/she adored *whew!*

Laura and I EACH bought one another a gift certificate. HOW funny hahaha

Foster was such a sweetheart and bought me and Willow presents. Willow will never need to wonder where her next treat is coming from hahaha I was laughing SO hard over my presents because she bought me a "Gnome away from home" hahahaha if anyone knows my deep hatred/reckless teen behaviour with gnomes, you'll understand why that's funny. She also bought me a gift certificate from Chapters *yahoo!*

Andrew bought me this intensely beautiful china tea set. I collect various sets and wow, it is so beautiful. I believe I'll be having a tea party soon hahaha I bought him a frosted glass martini set. He immediately proceeded to make martinis hahahahaha

and I bought Adam a Superman T-shirt. He tells me my present is coming...I told him to bugger off.

I also received wonderful and fun cards from the girls :) I love cards. I keep most of them for AGES hahaha

Lots of pictures were taken. LOTS. 107 to be precise. I'm glad. Some of my photos with my buds were getting wrinkles :P

9pm- The party ALMOST turned into one of those frat parties where we all gather around and watch YouTube. When it got gross, we reverted back to ACTUAL merriment hahaha We made Erin's little videos!!!! The links are below this entry! Love you Erin!!!!

10ish- people began departing. I'm really hoping in the new year, I can actually, regardles of the impending stress, go out and see my friends. Damnit, I'll make time. I want you all to force this upon me :P

Those who stayed enjoyed a HILARIOUS brainstorming of Andrew's first art-house film. "Pomellow" (sp)....oh gods. It has to be made. Enough said. It'll be 10000000 times better than "Eragon" I can tell you right now!
And then "The Smiling Bajingo" (all about a talking, smoking, Swaihili speaking vagina)....Christ, we are an imaginative bunch. I wish I had videotaped that hahahaha

It slowly dwindled down to me, Andrew, Laura and Vanessa aka. the true partiers. We sang, danced, made fun of Meatloaf's "I would do anything for love" and videotaped Andrew's SciSoc dances hahahahahahahahaha Hilarity.
I love them. They helped me clean and it was SO appreciated since I was tipsy and really, really tired although I was totally prepped to clean everything myself. By the time they left, all I had were a few dishes to wash. *huge kisses*

And if you read my previous LJ, I stayed up till 3:30am REGARDLESS of my exhaustion. The wine kept me pumped enough to play with my photos and videos and of course, Willow was just pleased as shit to have her mumma back. She sought revenge by purring like crazy as I was attempting to pass the hell out at 4am hahahaha

Pictures can be found on Facebook. If you don't HAVE a Facebook, you should *get* one. If you're going to whine about it, I *guess* I could email them :P
Videos can be found by the links below to YouTube. Enjoy!

I am seriously, very seriously, blessed with wonderful friends, old and "new." Even getting reacquainted with people this year has made me feel that all things really do work out for a reason. It's made me feel happier than I have been in a long time. I've got people who love me. That's the best gift, without any corniness, of all.
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