If You Ever Need To Know Where You're Going, Just Look How Far You've Come

Jan 16, 2011 21:19

So, I'm a few days really late posting this, but, tbh, it was WAY harder to think of things for my list this year. I really tried to keep from duplicating items, but, alas, I decided that the socio-emotional benefit for some of these outweighed the lack of creativity, so I included a few of the ones I started, but didn't get to finish last year. I couldn't quite decide whether last year's was going to be in 1001 days or 1 year, so it was a vague set of goals. This time, it will definitely be one year and I've learned a lot since last January, so I've made this list more manageable and have built-in some safeties for not getting bored with it.

Without further ado,

Plain text = not started
Italics = started, not finished
Strikeout = finished*

1. Find a place to volunteer regularly.
2. Reevaluate goals every three months; I will allow myself to replace failed goals with new ones.
3. Write a list of things you want to be and take concrete steps to get there.
4. Do 5 things that scare me & I want to back out of doing (and can). [0/5]
5. Do at least three grown-up activities per month (one per week, with one exception per month, if needed). [0/3]
6. Make a wish jar - review and evaluate every 6 months. [0/2]
7. Join a club, sport, or organization of some kind to get involved in.
8. Reconnect with 5 friends [0/5].
9. Ask for the things you want; don't assume they will just come to you.

10. Donate 10,000 cups of water + 20,000 grains of rice. [3,200/10,000] [2,161/20,000]
11. Send a surprise letter for no reason.
12. Make a list of Dealbreakers. Only make exceptions for superficial items, but don't be hasty to judge.
13. Happy Humpday - post every wednesday things that make you happy (1 exception per month, if needed). [4/50]

14. Make a dentist appointment.
15. Go vegetarian 1 day per week [5/51].
16. Make an eye doctor appointment.
17. Join a gym. Go at least twice a month. Try to go twice a week.
18. Floss every day for two weeks straight, at least three times. [0/7] [0/7]
19. Lose 10 lbs.
20. Increase water intake--aim for 4 glasses (8 oz.); 6 glasses; then 8 glasses.
21. Learn how to lessen my knee pain & practice doing so.
22. Increase consumption of fruits & vegetables.
23. Figure out new prescription insurance.
24. Check to see if preventative check-ups are covered by insurance & make an appointment for physical if they are.
25. Get/start HPV vaccine.
26. Wash face regularly before bed.
27. Control portion sizes - stop eating at 80% full and try to stick to correctly sized portions.
28. Be able to do 10 real push-ups.
29. Get on a permanent schedule with birth control - stop letting the timeline get messed up (starting with first new pack of 2011).

30. Read 1 book/month [3/12]
31. Get a library card.
32. Take an educational class.
33. Learn about 6 new areas of interest via independent research. Possibly write a paper on each, if time & schedule allows. [1/6] [Physical Signs of Deceit]
34. Find at least two sustainable ways to cut expenses. [0/2]
35. Watch or read the news at least once per week [3/51].
36. Perfect world geography.
37. Learn major waterways & their locations.
38. Apply to arabic certificate program.
39. Learn how to drive a stick shift car.
40. Refresh French using online sites, like BBC or Live Mocha.

41. Figure out 2-year plan.
42. Do not be late to work (allow no more than 1 per month). [0/0]
43. Update resume.
44. Apply to two dream job positions. [0/2]
45. Delete myspace account & clean up online presence.

46. Pay off Credit Card.
47. Consolidate loans.
48. Save 10% of each paycheck.
49. Invest in something.
50. Figure out cell phone plan.
51. Pay for own car insurance & change address.
52. Analyze my budget four times to see where I'm spending too much. [1/4]
53. Take change to the bank & deposit in savings.
54. Find out where mom has my ring & savings bonds stored. Think about getting them back & finding safe keeping for them on my own.
55. Pay bills on time.
56. Find and use more coupons.

57. Buy birthday gifts for all my immediate family members. Send them (or at the very least, the card) on time. [0/4]
58. Buy a pair of dressier boots.
59. Donate gifts to angel tree or similar program.
60. Buy a lottery ticket.
61. Get oil changed regularly.

62. Make 10 new dishes from different countries. [0/10]
63. Take a cooking class.
64. Go to roller derby.
65. Go to an NBA game.
66. Try out all recipes saved from Cooking Light (exceptions granted for desserts, as those are good for reference, but I shouldn't put myself in danger of eating this many sweets over the course of a year).
67. Meet up with Sarah Butler somewhere for a girl's day.
68. Bring in food for at least 6 treat days. [0/6]
69. See a theatrical performance of some kind 5 different times (ie: play, opera, dance, etc.) [0/5]
70. Go to at least one restaurant featured on Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives. [0/1]
71. See at least 50 new movies. [2/50]
-Some Kind of Wonderful
-Easy A
72. See three comedy performances. [0/3]
73. Try 15 new restaurants. [1/15]
-Khyber Pass

74. Touch-up paint jobs in the apartment.
75. Write fic for 10 prompts picked randomly out of a word in a book. [0/10]
76. Make a collage.
77. Write a Lie to Me fix (if, for some unforeseen reason, I lose interest in LtM, I can substitute another show I've never written fic for). [0/1]
78. Rehab, paint, and attach new knobs to dresser.

79. Go on a real vacation.
80. Apply for a passport.

Life Tasks:
81. Register to vote in IL, if I don't receive my registration card soon.
82. Go through LJ and make all non-private entries that are personal into private entries.
83. Scan family pictures to computer that mom sent me last year.
84. Aim to go to bed between 11pm and 12am every weeknight.
85. Investigate getting a new apartment that fits my needs when lease is up; look for something cheaper, closer to public transport, and has parking included.
86. Clean all the rooms in my apartment at least once a month [0/12]

87. Give old clothes away
88. Do closet laundry
89. Sell at least 10 books that I don't want to keep.
90. Clean out my car.
91. Delete all music I don't want from my computer.
92. Get rid of unnecessary magazine clutter.
93. Put together a system for keeping and storing magazine clutter.
94. Decorate bedroom.
95. Throw out, give away, or sell 50 things (not including clothes or 10 books)
96. Replant herbs that have died; replant herbs that are our growing their pots.
97. Hook up and organize media/theatre--organize components and buy VGA to hookup spare computer.
98. Buy a jewelry box or other storage for my jewelry.
99. Clean out refrigerator once per month [0/12]
100. Add value of 2nd iTunes gift card to account.

101. Create a new list - save $2 for every goal not started, $1 per every goal started but not completed.

*For the purposes of this list, I will consider start date to be sometime roughly after 1/13/11. So, despite how awesome the new True Grit was when I saw it on New Years, I won't include it as one of my new movies.

resolution 2011

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