Open Post: Doors of Perception

Sep 29, 2005 00:41

I began Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception today. I'd read Brave New World as a teenager--that explains a lot!--and wanted to read him again as an adult.

From what I can tell, this book is about Huxley's experimentations with mescaline/peyote. Hallucinogenic drugs have always fascinated me, though I've never worked up "the nerve" (if that's what you'd call it) to try them. People have reported huge, revelationary trips in which the secrets of life were explained to them.

So I ask this, humble members--can an acid (or other) trip bring you to the Meaning of Life?

"Discuss amongst yourselves." :)

While I'm here, a huge thanks to everyone for joining! Oh, and please--take everything I say with a grain of salt. Except the thanks. :D


huxley, drugs, peyote, mescaline

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