Aug 29, 2006 23:00
I need guidance. I can't go to anyone in fear that I will be thought of as weak, or whiny perhaps...and those are two words that I like to be nowhere near my name.
I wish life could come with a big ass handbook, or maybe just a little question and answer thing. You know, you ask the question and a little voice tells you the right thing to do. No, I'm not talking about your conscious, so don't think that is what I mean because yes, I have one of those. I mean a little voice that can also see the future and let you know if something is going to be good for you in the future.
I have too many feelings, too many emotions that I don't understand and can't get a handle on now. I need to get away from it all. I need to think without distraction. I just wish that I knew exactly what to do. That's all I need, guidance.