My Space

Mar 05, 2006 01:46

Okay Just did that weirdo My Space thing so I could contact some old high school buddies. Why don't I just go to the reunion next year you ask? Cause almost none of my friends were IN my class. Most of the poeple I went to school with were dicks. With the exception of a few. Penny Dunn was always cool. I had friends in my own class. I just can't remeber any at the moment. Everyone I can remeber was in a diffrent class than me. If someone finds a button that says " Does not play well with others" Can you please get it for me. I think it should be my new fucking motto.
Since Scott and I seprated about a year ago, and I'm turning in the paperwork for my divorce on Monday, I'm prolly getting damn close to the end here.
The house that I grew up in is getting sold. My mother is selling the house. I haven't lived there in at least a year. It doesn't really affect me. I should have an extra bedroom for my kids soon. So I'll be able to have them for half the week, but... Somehow, Mom selling that house is really bothering me. I'm feeling... Tramatized in a way to normal, afterschool special kind of way and its fucking freaky. Things like this don't normally bother me ya know? I'm usually more worried about where I'm going to get my next beating... :P Or .... When will this fucking flare up end? Speaking of which... Its been fucking bad lately. Having to deal with my room mate who has NO IDEA what living with CFIDS is like, and dealing with his "Mind over Matter" Bullshit is really starting to make my TOP BURST. And whats the most dangerous thing to a CFIDS Patient? Your emotions. Crying or shouting, can put me in bed for days if I'm not careful. I'm sleeping about 12 hours a day lately. Trying really hard not to. But if I only get 7 or 8.... well, I don't stay awake on the ride home as easily and its only a 30 minute drive home from seeing the kids.
I'm working for a temp agency for awhile. I moved up here from Virginia, and finding a job as a Nursing Assistant hasn't been easy. Plus I promised my mom I would help her with the move and that requires odd hours. However, Once I'm done with the move, I'll get a job at the local hospital in Baltimore and it will be all good. OR! Theres a chain of Adult novelty stores in the area. However, I have no clue on how ... cheesey they are. They might be good, they might be bad. I'd rather sell dildo's honestly. I know you think its sad, but trust me... for some odd reason.... Its Oddly Satisfying..... This Summer I have to worry about Student Loans and Trying to work in classes. I am DETERMINED to get my RN now. It took me forever to figure out what I wanted to do. Now that I've found it I'm not letting it go. Good enough for now I suppose. BTW...all of you who are trying to get ahold of me.. ( I know there are few and far between) I had to change my cell again. For those of you who can remeber what my last cell number was that began with 301... its that one again, other wise just email me and I'll give it to you. DISAGO! We need to talk buddy.... Did Chiarscuro really close? What am I going to do now? Thursday nights are bad for me. I need a new Club now man!? Where are you going? I miss hanging out with you man!

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