Indy 4 Thoughts (Spoilers)

Jun 29, 2008 22:39

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Yes, I finally got to see this movie.  It's been killing me to avoid as much as i could since it came out and not watch it bootlegged. D:

What got me worried for the movie was seeing how old Harrison Ford looked at the beginning.  Loose light pants, untucked shirt just made him look old.  Thankfully after the military base scene the shirt went back to tucked and he looked less old as the film went on.  ~_~

Squeamiest part of the movie had to be when they were attacked by those ant colonies.  x_x

The only part that made me roll my eyes would be when Mutt became Tarzan and swung on the vines of the jungle all the while gaining the help of the monkeys.  @_@

I loved the interaction between the 'family unit' once Mutt's parentage was revealed.  Indy changing his view's on Mutt's schooling and calling him junior at the end was funny as hell.  XD

**** out of *****
I thought it definitely lived up to the legend of Indiana Jones and can stand proudly next to the other films, but I definitely don't think that there should be any plans to make another one because everything wrapped up pretty well in this one.  If you haven't seen it yet, go see it! :D

indiana jones, theatre thoughts, reviews, movies

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