DC52 #1's The Final Installment

Apr 16, 2012 17:37

Wonder Woman #1 - I love the art (Cliff Chiang) but I will say the first half or so was a bit confusing with the lack of dialogue. I liked the action and the last bit with Diana, Hermes and Zola made up for the confusion earlier. An interesting start.

Supergirl #1 - I loved this issue. Don't know how I feel about the metor containing Supergirl going through the Earth's mantle but whatever. I liked her confusion, thinking it was a dream until the sun came up and she knew something was wrong. And then the ending page, perfect first issue.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 - I don't like the changes made to Kori that she can barely tell the difference between humans and has no care about the "group" she was with before. It's an understandable conceit and probably done so to help buffer any dislike of Kori's sexual proclivities but ugh, Kori/Dick was one of my favorite pairings and for her to be frolicking with Roy and Jason, its like a nightmare in that aspect lol.

Nightwing #1 - It'll take a bit to get used to Nightwing being red colored but I liked this first issue. The whole I have to be different than Bruce gotta be in some loft in the bad part of the city is getting a bit old, I feel like Dick is moved to a new place with every writer that takes over. Especially when having access to the Cave and the mansion is so handy, or even the penthouse with the bunker underneath it, it seems a waste to shelve all that. I do like the return of Haly's Circus and the continuing of Dick's tendency for redheads, and even the hired merc with claws is interesting.

Catwoman #1 - Not bad. I'm not a fan of Guillem March's art, disliked it on Gotham City Sirens so the fact that it has followed Selina to her own book I'm a little disappointed. I also am less thrilled by the fact that Winick is the writer and that he just had Selina brutally kill a guy. I don't mind bringing back the thief, grey aspect of Catwoman but that seemed a bit much. Hot and Heavy with the Bat, at least they kept one thing consistent lol.

Birds of Prey #1 - Interesting first issue. Again like the Batman & Robin book with Bruce/Damian, I'm a little confused and disheartened by the coldness between Dinah/Babs. Outside of that, I'm all for the book, and I'm glad that reporter wasn't going to be a continual presence because his perspective just wasn't needed. This could be Dinah's solo book in the way that Green Arrow/Black Canary never was.

Batman #1 - By far the main Batman books seem to be hitting all cylinders. Snyder just does the Bat Family so well and I love seeing the Bruce Wayne side of things along with Batman, sometimes Bruce is forgotten by other writers and all that you get is Batman. The last page twist didn't do much for me but I am sure it's going to be a great mystery to be revealed. Also love Vicki Vale. Also Capullo's art is a nice change of pace, love it!

Flash #1 - One of the first comics I read of the new DC52 and I have to say one of the things I love about the reboot is freeing up the locked in relationships (I like Patty Spivot and seeing Iris West in a more Lois Lane type role). The art by Manapul is amazing (and I have to say the seams that have been added to a lot of the heroes costumes I like a lot) and the story seems interesting with so many clones? of Barry's friend.

Teen Titans #1 - Solid first issue. I really don't get some organization getting the jump on Tim unless he meant to let them so he could find out who he's dealing with, and I'm intrigued to see how Cassie is different. Kid Flash ... it depends on who he is, there's much confusion there but I do wish they'd build the team first before sending  Superboy after them but I guess .. if he is going to be part of the team it makes sense.

Batman: The Dark Knight #1 - Not as great as the other two Batman books but pretty good. I like Finch's art, and Jaina Hudson seems like an interesting new character. That internal affairs guy I could care less about and I am intrigued by what happened to Two-Face.

Aquaman #1 - Masterful first issue, you can tell that Geoff Johns just gets it. I like how they confront the misconceptions/stereotypes built up about the character and his frustration/anger about it. And monsters from the sea, I am excited about the series.

Superman #1 - Probably the downside of freeing up relationships, it just feels weird for Lois to be with someone else. As long as they don't turn Clark into a morose voyeur like Superman Returns I can live with it for awhile. A lot happened in the book, maybe too much but I can understand wanting to try to set up the world and get going as fast as possible. One positive note, not one mention of Luthor.

And that was it! All through the pile of books I've had sitting on my coffee table for a good six months at least. Apologies for filling up so much commentary on 8 month old stories.

teen titans, birds of prey, batman, wonder woman, reviews, nightwing, comic books, flash, catwoman, red hood and the outlaws, aquaman, supergirl, dc comics, superman

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