Here's my November desktop, it's a drawing of Princess Leia in her Jabba's Palace days in Return of the Jedi. If I remember correctly this was done by Darwyn Cooke, who if you don't know is a really great comic artist and worked on BTAS & STAS back in the day.
P.S. How the hell did I only make one post in November? I feel like there's never enough time to write, even though I visit LJ daily to see what's new. A post every day will be my mantra, hopefully I will stick to it. I do wish there was a way to like posts on LJ like you can on Tumblr, that way people would know I'm interested in what they're writing even if I don't comment every time.
P.P.S. Those interested in my writing ... I will be ramping back up this month. Expect an HGF update by Christmas (worst case scenario).