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matitablu December 2 2010, 00:25:34 UTC
The one thing I didn't understand about the Godric's Hollow scene was when Harry was battling Nagini they broke through the wall and landed in some type of brightly colored nursery. Was there a point to showing us this room?

That made me think, too. I've seen people speculating that that could be Harry's nursery, but it's weird that it would be so perfectly preserved and also with the lights on. right there and then, I thought they simply trespassed into an adjacent apartment - might need to watch it again to see whether Bathilda's was a single house or wall-to-wall with the neighboring buildings. I actually liked the "WTF?" that scene brought though - I had forgotten about the whole Nagini-as-Bathilda thing, so the shock factor was thoroughly effective for me. The children's room part only added to the nightmarish feeling of it all, imo.

I couldn't help but feel by the end of the dance it felt like closure to anything they might have. Hermione walking away afterward really had that feeling of "Oh, that was sweet and in another world maybe, but it's not what I want now."

My thoughts exactly. I'm neutral about R/Hr and H/Hr - I saw Ron/Hermione coming because of how Rowling was building their relationship through constant banter and that was pretty typical (and let's face it, most of the times Rowling does not subvert tropes; rejuvenates them, maybe, but seldom turns them over their head). But at the same time, I wouldn't have felt cheated if Harry/Hermione turned out to be endgame because, what with the books being from Harry's POV, she is still his most meaningful relationship with a girl/woman (sorry Ginny). I think the movie sort of acknowledged this and subtly made it slightly more Harry->Hermione. But then, my tagline for DH part 1 would be "Everyone wants to do Hermione", so XD

I went into the theater having no expectations whatsoever and came out positively impressed... now here's hoping part 2 lives up to the hype XD


emeraldstag December 2 2010, 22:42:14 UTC
It definitely felt out of place, like they fell into another movie entirely for a second. I am going to have to start looking at interviews and see if anyone has asked what was up with that moment. It might be neat if there were some easter eggs in that room that we can only see when it comes out in HD & Blu-Ray when you can freeze frame it.

LOL. That tagline would be perfect, especially how after the movie came out so many fans started talking about Scabior/Hermione. XD I think especially in watching the movies you see Harry/Hermione as a real possibility, and I think those that gravitate to that ship see in the books how Hermione was the one constant for Harry, always supporting him even in the bad times. But I think that's what is great about them being from Harry's perspective, he might be showing us readers the wrong idea of what happens between his friends. I actually think movie!Harry was more aware of Ron/Hermione then book!Harry.

I was worried going into DH, because it could go so wrong. So I'm still worried about Part 2, especially how they handle the forest scene and beyond but the brilliance of Part 1 gives me hope. :)


matitablu December 2 2010, 23:02:55 UTC
...I'm not even going to lie, I jumped on the Scabior/Hermione bandwagon like it's my job XD I was like "who the hell was Scabior?" when I read reactions online since I didn't remember him from the books, but when I actually saw the movie I understood the hype XD hahahaha. I'm hopeless.

But I think that's what is great about them being from Harry's perspective, he might be showing us readers the wrong idea of what happens between his friends. I actually think movie!Harry was more aware of Ron/Hermione then book!Harry.

You know, this probably sounds blasphemous, but I almost always liked Harry - and the Trio in general - better in the movies than in the books. I don't know why, but I felt more invested, while in the books I've mostly been all about the secondary characters.


emeraldstag December 4 2010, 11:19:34 UTC
The funny thing to me about Scabior is he seems to me like someone who would be in the Twilight books... XD

I definitely think that was the purposeful direction of the films starting with the third movie to focus on the trio for character development and emotional attachment while sacrificing the rest as bit parts since the ones that will care for those will be the book readers who can fill in the stories for those characters that they leave out.

I think Snape falls into this category as well where they took a lot of the complexity of the character away, taking away a lot of the animosity away and instead sprinkling it in more humorous moments.


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