Always Time for Meme

Apr 20, 2010 23:50

I fell asleep before I could finish this, but before I unravel in some mindless TV fun that I found entertaining when indefiance did it, I wanted to wish a late Happy Birthday to mugglewitch1 who's birthday it was on Tuesday! I always find mid-week birthdays a little weird because it's hard to celebrate during the week but I hope you find time to make some memorable memories!

Now TV meme time!

Pick five of your favorite shows, in no particular order, before you read the below questions, then answer them!

1) Chuck
2) Star Wars Clone Wars
3) Spectacular Spider-Man
4) Legend of the Seeker
5) Smallville

(For fun I rolled some dice to pick the slots for the shows to mix things up.)

01. Who's your favorite character in 2 (Star Wars Clone Wars)?
Ahsoka Tano. The original character created for the show, padawan of Anakin, she adds a dimension to the "Chosen One" that makes him a character you can get behind and actually like.

02. Who's your least favorite character in 1 (Chuck)?
Jeff. Both he and Lester are just too sleazy of characters for me to care much about them. Jeff takes sleaze to another level though.

03. What's your favorite episode of 4 (Legend of the Seeker)?
That's a tough question as there really isn't a stand out episode but several good ones. If I have to pick just one, I'll pick from Season 1 "Hartland". Richard, Kahlan & Zedd join Chase in returning to the Hartland to drive out the D'Harans and convince Richard's brother, Michael that they're the side of good. Like most Seeker episodes there's good with the bad, but I had hoped that Richard would reunite with at the time his only family left and it was great while it lasted.

04. What's your favorite season of 5 (Smallville)?
I'd say it's probably a tie between Seasons 2 & 4. Season 2 had some great episodes, Red, Heat, Lineage, Ryan, Skinwalker, Rush, Fever. The introduction of Red!K, Kyla and the soulmate bracelet, Chloe's letter to Clark. Season 4 brought in Lois Lane and had Jason Teague who was a very interesting character that I wonder if he would've been recurring had Supernatural not come about. The fabulous Spell episode with Lois, Lana & Chloe possessed by witches, the climax of the Clark/Alicia romance and the touching Blank episode. Two fun seasons.

05. Who is your favorite ship in 3 (Spectacular Spider-Man)?
Peter/Gwen. The relationship the show was building to and never got to see because it was ruined by the Disney/Marvel purchase (much like the CW/UPN merger killed a fave show of mine, Everwood). Instead we get left with them knowing how they like each other but being kept apart by the evil manipulating of Harry Osborn. I admit that I didn't like how Gwen's makeover in S2 became a permanent look for her and that the glasses and baggy hoody went bye bye. I have to admit that for that bit in S2 when Peter and Liz were together I really came to like Liz as a character but I always hold a special place for Peter/Gwen that even tops Peter/MJ for me.

06. Who is your anti-ship in 2 (Star Wars Clone Wars)?
It's not really a ship friendly show as it's steered towards a younger demographic and the one ship in the series is like impossible not to love. I guess I could be snarky and say Palpatine/Anakin. Can't stand how he manipulated Anakin and Obi-Wan didn't pay attention to what was happening.

07. How long have you watched 1 (Chuck)?
I started watching Chuck this past summer after hearing htbthomas and others rave about it when a S3 was in doubt. I struggled through the first season searching for that moment that would hook me to the show and the characters and it finally came in the last stretch of S2 which to me is still the high point in the series.

08. How did you become interested in 3 (Spectacular Spider-Man)?
Once again, it was the enthusiasm of htbthomas that grabbed my interest in the show. I had liked the 90's animated series, and the Amazing Friends cartoon from the 70s? but I thought the MTV version in the early 00's was a misfire and the show was coming just shortly after the whole OMD/BND fiasco in the comics so I had initially stayed away out of my frustration. I'm glad I was convinced to watch the show because it was brilliantly done and I wish it was still around, definitely ended before its time.

09. Who's your favorite actor/actress in 4 (Legend of the Seeker)?
Had I been asked this at the beginning of S2 I might have said Tabrett Bethell (Cara) because she has been a pleasant addition to the cast but I must say I've always been enchanted by Bridget Regan (Kahlan) and the more thigh-friendly season 2 hasn't hurt either. :)

10. Which do you prefer: Show 1 (Chuck), 2 (Star Wars Clone Wars) or 5 (Smallville)?
Smallville and it's not even close. 9 seasons going on 10, cast and creative changes over the year and I'm still there watching the premieres live whenever I can. I never thought the show would go on this long when it first premiered, hoping for maybe 4-5 seasons worth of content but back then in the more innocent times before the internet really went mainstream I don't think I even thought about the show like that and just enjoyed it. The Kents, Lana and her Aunt Nell, the fabulous Chloe, the mischievous Pete, the jock Whitney, the rebellious Lex and the sinister Lionel. A great cast to start with and the show has worked hard to maintain that level of creativity and has done a fairly good job of evolving over time.

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 (Chuck) or 3 (Spectacular Spider-Man)?
Chuck, somewhere around 50+ now that S3 is almost done, but it's pretty much by default since SSM got put into hiatus after S2 and 24 or 26 episodes (forget if it was 12 or 13 episode seasons) and is now cancelled. It's a shame because it was a great show.

12. If you could be anyone from 4 (Legend of the Seeker), who would you be?
Richard Cypher by far. The Seeker of Truth, close companion of the Mother Confessor and the rogue Mord-Sith. Grandson of a Wizard of the First Order. Can't get better than that. I still remember from the first episode, Richard fixing the bridge.

13. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1 (Chuck)?
John Casey? I think he would have to go out with a cigar in his mouth, a high powered fire arm in his hands against a wave of bad guys. Maybe his Crown Victoria somewhere nearby.

14. Give a random quote from 1 (Chuck).
"Don't freak out."

15. Which character from 5 (Smallville) would be a good guest star on 2 (Star Wars Clone Wars)?
John Jones. He could be his green friendly self around the various alien species in Star Wars. Maybe he'd be able to knock some sense into Anakin.

16. Would a 3/4 (Spectacular Spider-Man/Legend of the Seeker) crossover work?
It would be hilarious to see. Perhaps Richard, Kahlan, Cara & Zedd get zapped over to Manhattan and the disturbances they are bound to cause come to the attention to the friendly neighborhood Spider-man. I'm sure Richard would gain the attention of MJ, maybe Flash and Cara would clash, and perhaps Kahlan would take Gwen under her wing. CAN YOU SAY ZEDD/AUNT MAY?

17. Pair 2 characters in 1 (Chuck) that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Wow talk about a nearly impossible question given the high ratio of men to women in the cast.

18. Has 5 (Smallville) inspired you in any way?
I'll say it helped me reconnect to fandoms and comic books at a time when I had begun drifting away as I got caught up with high school life and the such.

19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 (Star Wars Clone Wars) or 4 (Legend of the Seeker)?
While I like Seeker, it's hard to argue with the voice acting cast that is available to a show of Star Wars ilk. Even having some voices from the movies in the cartoon is just something you don't see often with other shows/franchises.

20. Which has better theme music, 3 (Spectacular Spider-Man) or 5 (Smallville)?
OH GOD. These are like the two shows with the best music. That theme song of SSM is so damn catchy. But I have to go with Smallville. That theme song is so iconic but also the music in the show overall is amazing. Especially those early seasons when they'd have those musical moments where the music would be playing and you'd see the characters reflecting in the situations they were in. Something I've started when I began writing His Girl Friday and watching S2 Smallville was to find out the music in the episode from the wiki and then get the songs I liked because they were awesome.

legend of the seeker, bday, chuck, animation, smallville, tv, spider-man, star wars clone wars, meme

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