nom nom nom

Jan 19, 2011 13:00


I've officially started going from "queasy, food is bleh" to "queasy except when I'm eating...and OMG that food is the best thing EVAR and I want to sit and eat it ALL DAY BRING ME MOAR!!!"

I don't think the whole only-gained-one-pound thing is going to last much longer.  I seriously ate two pounds of frozen peaches yesterday.

Oh, and I'm craving things that no longer exist.  Like Uncle Ben's Parmesan Shrimp Penne bowl.  And frozen red tart cherries (all I can find are the sweet ones, ew).  I'm about two seconds away from ordering this: Dole Individual Quick Frozen Red Tart Cherry 5 Pound.

Who said it was OK to discontinue foods?  Pregnant ladies MIGHT NEED THEM!!!!!

preggo, random

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