The preview clip had me very nervous. As did the bit with Tony on the boat. And then...
This was a geniunely GOOD dead petty officer episode. I love Abigail Borin and they fit her in really well. Gibbs showing up with clothes for her was adorable without being over the top.
Laughed many times, but especially loved:
"And then she went viral."
"What'd she have?"
Abby's card to Borin was cute. Abby is the only person on the planet I could imagine taking being called a "mascot" as a compliment. And Gibbs is the only person who could get away with saying it.
The pictures at the end...yeah, I know they were supposed to get me all choked up. Well, it WORKED. I hope you're happy, SB.
But most importantly, at least in Steph land...
Holy crap...was that my competent, SFA-worthy Tony that showed up? Complete with throwing his very own punch rather than having to get his ass bailed out by Ziva? And interrogating somebody? And throwing out his comp time sheet and then promptly being embarrassed by Ziva about it and trying to cover? And...getting startled by Gibbs and promptly jumping up with an update on the case rather than sitting around with his thumb up his ass and letting McGee or Ziva do it? Just like the good old days???
I was two seconds from writing this episode off after the bit on the boat. If you haven't seen it yet and don't want spoilers, I'll just say this: give it a bit more time. You might be pleasantly surprised. Fun stuff.