End Phase Round Up #1: Writing

Mar 29, 2011 22:13

It's pretty much the end of Phase at stargateland so I'm posting here everything I'm willing to claim on my journal and haven't already done so :D

Challenge: Cockamamie Crossovers
Prompt: Alien Invasion
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0/SG1
Words: 398

Cam's been listening to the guy freak out for the past forty minutes and its really starting to get old. He wonders how Steve handles it, listening to the Jersey man go on and on and then remembers that Steve is crazy. Steve probably likes it. Sure enough, when he looked at the Navy Commander, he has a fond smirk on his face and he's ridiculously calm. (He figures that calmness is another thing setting Detective Danny Williams off).

"...why am I even surprised there's an alien invasion here, of all places?"

Cam sighed and rolled his eyes, "technically it’s not an invasion if they've been here for decades already."

Det. Williams finally stopped talking and looked at Cam in horror. "Are you telling me I moved to an alien infested island? No wonder this place is so messed up."

"We're not all aliens," Steve defended.

Williams gave him a look that said he was full of shit, "says the guy who jumps off of tall buildings and isn't injured."

"Actually," Cam interrupted before another rant could get under way, "its one particular family that's alien. It’s a rather large family.”

“Why tell us?” Steve asked, crossing his arms and leaning back on his desk.

“Because you’re connected to them,” Cam replied as two people entered the Five-0 headquarters.

It was a man and woman who both looked native Hawaiian. The man had sharp features, dark hair and dark eyes with a muscular build. The woman had shoulder length light brown hair, dark eyes and was thin, but she was a cop so Cam figured she could hold her own.

“You wanted to see us boss?” The woman asked. Her eyes flicked to Cam briefly, “Another Navy buddy?”

Cam scowled, “Air Force actually. Colonel Cameron Mitchell.” He paused, “Stargate Command.”

They both paled considerably but other than that their expressions didn’t change.

“Shit,” the woman muttered.

That made Williams’ sit up, “Wait, they’re the alien family? We work with aliens?”

The man rolled his eyes, “I was born on this planet bra. It was my parents’ generation that emigrated here after a civil war tore our home apart and we have abided by your laws, despite how archaic and ineffective they are.”

“Holy crap,” Williams dropped down onto the couch. “This has to be some kind of messed up dream.”

“’Fraid not,” Cam grinned. “We’re just getting started.”

Prompt: Padlock
Fandom: Supernatural/SGU
Words: 350

He stood back and listened to Rush explain Destiny's mission. A signal, something that had been present since before the beginning of time and Destiny was headed straight for it. It was a revelation that something, or someone existed before everything else. Some thought it was God, others like Rush were barely considering it, opting for the more atheist opinion that it was another life form. He was pretty sure they were all wrong and it was this revelation that made his exile to this damn ship worth it.

There was really only one place it could be, the place that his boss was searching for with the desire to rule it, like he ruled Hell. It wasn’t Hell and it wasn’t Heaven. They knew where both those places were so the only thing it could be, the only other place that had existed before all else was Purgatory. Purgatory: the resting place of the souls that hadn’t made it to Heaven or Hell, the resting place of the non-human souls. Demons, angels, vampires and all other manner of supernatural creatures. Probably the alien souls as well unless God had designated another place for them and if that was so, then Crowley would want a piece of that land as well.

Merizim, known as Matthew Scott to these humans, slipped out of the room before he started smiling too much and draw attention. He could not afford to switch meat suits again, he’d barely even made into Scott without being detected. And in Scott he had the best opportunity to get what he wanted. Scott was ranked high enough to have the power and authority to know what was going on throughout the ship and a premier member of the off world teams to explore and learn about the universe outside Earth. It was very educational and he hoped to return with a lot of information for Crowley. That is, if Rush didn’t get them killed first, Young stopped trying to get them back to Earth so desperately and Telford’s new friends’ betrayal didn’t result in their destruction.

Challenge: Dear Diary
Words: 208

Challenge: Declassification
Title: Deep Space Radar Telemetry My Ass
Word Count: 217

Connor didn't hear the news till late that night. He'd been out of the office all day on a case and he was exhausted when he walked through the door and both his little girls rushed at him.

"Daddy! Uncle Cam goes to space!" Jordan, his younger daughter said excited.

"He fights aliens," Lily added.

Connor chuckled, hung up his coat and locked up his gun and badge. "And where did you hear this story?"

He didn't really believe them. Cameron traveling space and fighting aliens? Ha, that was such a laugh! Not only was it impossible, Cameron was part of a classified project with a terrible cover story related to his crash in the Antarctic.

"On TV," Lily replied grinning at him.

Connor frowned and followed them into the living room where the TV was on, and the News was running its title story. Connor watched and listened in disbelief as his brother and a few other soldiers he recognized from Cam's stories stood beside their Commanding Officer as he explained the Stargate Program.

"Deep-Space Radar Telemetry my ass," he mumbled and wondered how much he could get out of Cam for having managed to land such a job and actually kept it quite for so long. The whole school reunion story actually made sense now.

fandom: supernatural, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: stargate sg1, genre: crossover, fandom: stargate, fandom: stargate universe

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