Title: The Omniscient Ianto Jones
Angels and AliensFandom: Torchwood/Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Ianto!Gabriel
Spoilers/Warnings: Changing Channels,
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or Supernatural
Summary: Gabriel and Ianto talk about feelings
Takes place after Blue Raspberry (though not immediately after)
Alright. One fallen angel? Check. One irritable Winchester? Check. One gallon of yellow goo?...Let’s make that two. And for the final touches-
“This really isn’t going to improve your standing with Dean,” Ianto interrupted.
Gabriel scowled, “Go away, sort your brain again or some other mundane task.”
“But I feel like bugging you,” Ianto protested, securing his spot inside his head.
“Not needed,” Gabriel replied, shoving his plans aside for the time being. He’d learned quickly that the best way to get rid of Ianto was to do the exact opposite of what Ianto expected.
Ianto shrugged, “So says you.”
Gabriel scowled and crossed his arms. “And what advice is the omniscient Ianto Jones going to give me this time?” he mocked.
“Relationship advice.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow, “Coming from the man who had a cyber girlfriend and an immortal boyfriend who didn’t appreciate him, I don’t think there’s much.”
Gabriel realized he had to find something new to torment Ianto with when he noticed that that hadn’t even earned him a look. Good Lord, was he losing his touch?
“You don’t actually have to like Dean, but you should at least make the effort to be civil with him. It goes a long way to showing you’re serious about the relationship.”
“We’re not even in a relationship Ianto,” Gabriel pointed out.
“But you want to be,” Ianto snapped. “And don’t even try and deny it,” he added quickly. “I’m in your head. I know what you think.”
“I really should just subdue you,” Gabriel muttered.
“Kinky,” Ianto deadpanned.
Gabriel rolled his eyes. Ianto was right but he didn’t have to like it. Getting into a relationship with Sam would be complicated, and messy and he wasn’t sure he could handle it. Sam was still destined to say yes.
“That’s what love is,” Ianto said softly. “It’s messy, it’s putting up with your lover’s quirks, helping them with their darkness, not backing out when things get tough, and it’s complicated. It’s nothing and everything at the same time but it’s perfect.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Gabriel snarled.
“I think you’ve forgotten,” Ianto replied quickly. “I think you’ve forgotten because all you can remember is the pain of your brother Falling and taking others with him, and the pain of your Father missing. Take a chance Gabriel, stop being afraid. Sam tries to do things right but he’s human and we all make mistakes. But at least he tries.”
Gabriel was silent, and Ianto wondered if maybe he’d pushed too far. They hadn’t really talked feelings while sharing body and he didn’t want to have caused a rift between them.
“I need to think,” Gabriel said suddenly. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
Ianto was shoved into control and he stumbled, surprised. He felt strangely abandoned, and wasn’t that just all kinds of wrong when it was his body.