Sequence of events

Feb 12, 2014 19:48

Here's how it went:
  • Ohh! pretty curtain fabric! *buys*
  • Man, that window trim needs painting now
  • If I paint the trim, I really need to paint the walls, which means protecting the carpet
  • Wow, this carpet is disgusting! Hahahah! Utility knife! Slash! Rip! Goodbye old carpet!
  • This floor! What a sad mess!...*shops for new flooring*
  • But I can't do the floor till I solve the wardrobe problem...
And from there it's a total re-do.

Today I ripped out the remaining carpet except the bit under the bed. Shifting furniture to get carpet up has shaken a lot of stuff loose, literally and figuratively, and the giveaway pile is mounting.

This afternoon I took the old window blinds down and masked the window trim for painting.

(You can see how mistreated the floor was. I'm leaning heavily towards putting a floating floor over it and calling it good.)

With the windows bared, temporary privacy measures were required, so I hung the old curtains on the clothesline just outside the bedroom windows. Looks classy, huh?

Then my sis came over and we discussed demolition of the built-in closet, an ill-designed and inaccessible waste of space made of plywood and two-by-fours--it's that whole end of the room:

After she left, I started crowbarring the trim off and removing the doors, but I had to stop because my hands were hurting and the neighbors were going to start complaining about the hammering and that nasty nail-pulling screech.

Tomorrow I'll paint the window trim. Maybe start emptying the closet. Ack!

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are

project empty bedroom, project empty, home, bedroom remodel, house

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