Thing Two in a Five-Thing Visit To My Favorite Portlandy Things
our tour a couple of weeks ago around the waterfront, I take you now to a much less glamorous site, not frequented by visitors at all: The Going Street Neighborhood Greenway.
Neighborhood greenways (formerly known as bike boulevards) are streets with some relatively cheap fixes from the traffic-engineering handbook that make them favorable for non-motorized use, while not actually prohibiting cars:
- Stop signs turned to face the cross streets (making the greenway street mostly non-stop)
- Speed humps every block to discourage fast through-traffic
- "Sharrows" (share the road arrows) painted on the surface to let car drivers know they're sharing with other users
- Slow posted speed limit (20 mph or a little over 30 km/h)
- Cute street signs
- Special controls at busy intersections, including barriers that prevent cars from turning onto the greenway street from the busier thoroughfare
As a result, neighborhood greenways are lovely and quiet, very safe to ride on, and generally lively with people.
Going Street (yes, that's the real name of the street--has been since 1891) runs in a straight east-west shot along a slight ridge across my whole section of town, and I use it every week because it serves my favorite grocery store. Getting up to Going Street from my lower starting point is great butt-exercise, too.
The cute signs on Going Street show different kinds of bikes (and people walking). My favorite looks just like Eleanor:
One features a stingray-style bike with a banana seat:
One has the more standard drop-bar, racing-style bike:
Sharrow marking and my shadow--you can see what a bright, beautiful day it was today:
New Seasons Market Concordia, a couple blocks off Going Street. That's Eleanor (and my super beat-up grocery basket) at the end of the bike parking:
It was a perfect day for a Going Street grocery run today: chilly, clear and still.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are