1. Suddenly it's summer here in Stumptown. I got double-bridged on my way to work this morning: some river traffic going downstream caused the Steel Bridge to lift, so I made my way to the Hawthorne just in time for a barge heading upriver to raise that span. The bike traffic backup was considerable.
That guy's bike locking chain (around his waist) was positively Stiles-esque!
I really can't say enough good things about Google+'s "auto awesome" feature which enhances photographs automatically. It's hard to believe I took these with my phone.
2. I just ordered some
wool yarn in a color called Highlighter. It is, in fact, the color of a yellow highlighter. I'm going to make myself a hoodie out of it.
3. The hyacinth cardigan is starting to look like a garment!
(Can I just say that being able to say "Shoot!" to my phone instead of pushing a button to take an actual picture comes in really handy?)
4. There is no four. :D
5. My mother, age 83, has been edging towards buying a smartphone for several months now, and she seems to have settled on the HTC One. Good taste! Now she'll have a better phone than mine. That's so weird.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are