Diet Day 857 - Finally!

Feb 20, 2013 17:35

After three years of Wednesday breakfasts (during many of which the conversation has turned on health, weight, exercise and aging), I got my good buddy Todd to take up calorie-counting. He joined the smartphone brigade a few months ago and discovered an app (I think he's using My Fitness Pal), and he's been extolling the benefits of simple daily food awareness ever since. He's lost about 20 pounds so far, so go Todd!

Turning my back on that simple food awareness for six months last year cost me, but I've finally recouped my losses (or gains). I regained 20% of my weight loss during that six-month period of denial hiatus, and have needed three times that long to lose it again.

But I'm back. I hit the low-water mark this morning.

It's onward and downward from here, into weight territory that I haven't occupied for more than 20 years. Intermittent Fasting is a big help in limiting calories, and I'm enjoying it for its other benefits, but limiting calories continues to be the sine qua non of weight loss for me.

Eight hundred and fifty-seven days. Jeez. Oh well, what's another four hundred or so?

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are

diet day, intermittent fasting, project 155

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