Spring is coming to Stumptown, and nothing cheers us up around here like a few days of bright sunshine. I've been in the best mood!
At the moment, I'm sitting in my living room, waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in.
- Occupying half of my couch are all my remaining unshelved books
- Taking up half of my loveseat are the seven lineal feet of CDs which are about to be reduced to two smallish zipper cases by the simple expedient of getting rid of a bunch of them and discarding the jewel cases of all the rest.
- In the middle of the room, posing a tripping hazard if I want to get out of this chair, is a small chrome stand containing little electronic thingies--discs, manuals, cords, dongles, chargers, old hard drives, etc. I intended to empty it and give it away this evening but ran out of steam.
- Next to my black and white armchair and partly blocking the opening of the front door is a pile of donations for the Veterans that won't presently fit out on my porch.
- On my porch is another pile of donations that needs organizing before I can expect the Vets to take it.
All this (purely temporary) clutter in my living room is so that I could take some Project Empty After photos tonight.
Remember this mess?
To your left, the horror lurking behind the bedroom door
Ahead and to your right, the fossilzed mess along the bedroom window-wall
Well, thanks to IKEA, help in the Some Assembly Required department from one of my excellent nieces, quite a lot of ruthlessness on my part, and a not-small amount of sheer elbow-grease--not to mention the above-described (purely temporary) chaos in my living room--it now looks like this:
To your left
To your right
The Project Empty tally now stands at 47 areas cleared, 32 left to go.