"Take a look a your LJ friends list, then list up to ten things you want to say to ten different LJ friends... DO NOT state who these people are. DO NOT confirm nor deny any "comment speculation". Then tag five people. "
1. If I hear you say "ne" at the end of a sentence ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to strangle you. And you KNOW I'm not kidding.
2. I miss you. ;_; You're so busy with making your life better and getting ready for the "real world" after college, and I feel stupid not being able to hold a candle to you.
3. I DEMAND MORE SAKURA!!!1 (you know who you are :P)
5. You still owe me part of an art trade, if I'm not mistaken.
6. I miss talking about Legend of Dragoon with you!
7. You'll enjoy this, according to a mutual friend:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGbewHT7zKU (translation:
http://preyfar.livejournal.com/617790.html?thread=7851838#t7851838 )
8. I still think you're a hottie.
9. Please stop whining.
10. You know, I'm STILL scarred by that picture you showed me. XD
I'm too lazy to tag people.