Mar 04, 2008 22:50
well, been real sick. my usual temp is below normal, about 98.2 degrees, and wednesday through saturday morning i had a 102 degree fever with a terrible barking cough. felt pretty bad to say the least. had to take unpaid time off, not move, moan, sweat, and shiver. all i wanted was tomato soup and half water and half grape juice with ice. friday, i wanted a cheeburger. grossed, but, my body craved it.
in california this week for work. but, the two hour difference is draining. i'm sure being sick recently isn't helping either.
i am still not up to snuff. commercials are making me cry. freakin' diaper commercials were making me cry last week. DIAPER COMMERCIALS. i can't even explain exactly why they were making me cry. the closest i can get is that they are babies in the commercials?
when i found out favre was retiring i almost started crying.
a girl at work found out her friend's cat died. not only did her friend's cat died but, her friend SAW IT. the cat was running down the stairs and broke its neck. she heard a thud and ran to the stairs to see her cat gasp its last ragged breath. again, i almost started crying. a manager (someone very much my superior) said something to the effect of "good riddance," and "the only good cat is a dead cat." i almost kicked him squaw in dee nuts. i am seriously you gys.
i need to get better asap so these roller coaster near cryings will stop.
also, i need to not watch intervention on a&e before i go to sleep.