I need to go thank the people who left comments on chapter one of SoW and I'll do that in a bit when my head isn't trying to explode.
I've joined
the_leaky and I'm having a great time. Very grateful to many of the players there for all their help, patience and joint creativity. It's been amazing and I'm sure it will go on being amazing. I hope so.
I've been a bit ill this last week and of course focusing on the game to get my character going.
I'll finish Chapter two probably in the next few days to have ready for the lovely beta.
Been a little sad that Spoils didn't show up on any of the fic zine thingies but then I"m unknown so I expect that's why.
Read some really hot fic by
calanthe_fics over at the Hex files. I warn you now, her fics are sexy and raunchy and hot and I enjoyed the ones I read thoroughly.
So much to do and I've got a dreadful headache.
More later.