Random Weirdness

Mar 31, 2006 00:43

You know what's odd? Liking certain shows or books or movies and not getting the buzz in my belly that says, "Ooh, I must write fanfic." This is especially weird when other people around me are getting that buzz all over the place.

Friends of mine like: Lost, Supernatural, Smallville, SG1 and SGA.

I've seen all of them, except for Lost which never appealed to me.

They are all good shows and have some hot characters and all that good jazz.

I also saw Serenity (I never got to see Firefly) the other day and liked it very much. I thought it was great and clever and good. I bow down to Joss in all his infinite wisdom.

I have all five seasons of Angel and I'm debating on whether to start buying up Buffy as well.

So, it's not that I can't see the goodness of these shows. I just don't get a buzz off said goodness.

It's weird. It feels weird and a little bit lonely because all sorts of people around me are grooving to said goodness. I want to groove too, man!

And yet, right now, I'm in love with my Snape and Harry and Draco. I love them and I want to torture them and make them happy and generally make the goodness that's making me buzz freely available to those who are into that particular goodness.


Now that I think about it, it's a bit like chewing gum.

You know how you get a new pack of chewing gum and you take a piece and it tastes pretty good and you just chew and chew and you offer your friends a piece and it's ...fun?

Maybe the reason the HP fandom is "dying" is really that some of the older people (older in terms of being in the fandom) have just chewed that gum until all the flavor is gone? Or they are tired of that particular flavor and want to try something else?

That doesn't mean that nobody is ever going to like that flavor of gum again. It just means, new people are going to be chewing the gum and the fandom as a whole needs to realize hey, more gum chewers is a good thing. Yeah some of 'em are rude and spit or stick their gum on the desk or in someone's hair, but a lot of 'em are really nice and pretty talented.

So, you know, pass 'em some gum and lets get chewing!


I did say it was weird.


Now I need a Slytherin Gum icon. Damnit!
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