Two Little Ducks

May 21, 2009 19:03

As this entry's heading hints, it was my 22nd birthday last Friday. In terms of what I actually got for it, it felt a lot like my 15th birthday as, besides the usual assortment of cards, money, Milkybars and Maltesers, the only thing I got was the latest Nintendo console; in this case, the DSi. I know I already used it the odd couple of times between the day of its release and my birthday, but now I've earned the self-created privilege to use my DSi on a permanent basis, and I'm going to (at least try to) take full advantage of its features. I'm going to install iTunes on my PC soon so I can convert many of my MP3s to AAC and thus be able to play them on the DSi's sound player (Why it doesn't accept MP3s is beyond me).

I had intended to go out somewhere on Friday, but the terrible rain kept me inside all day, save for going out to my local Italian restaurant for dinner. I didn't mind, though, as I took the chance to catch up on Pokémon Platinum (the European version of which, incidentally, comes out tomorrow). I just need to go through Route 224 and then I'll have explored everywhere.

Speaking of rain, we've had it non-stop since Friday, and it was only this afternoon that the weather has finally brightened up and started to feel like summer again.

Might make another post very soon.

platinum, rain, nintendo, friday, 22, 22nd, dsi, pokemon, weather, birthday

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