First sentence of first entry of each month:
January: Ahhhh. I have no computer and it isn't any fun.
February: K, so my mom calls me from her way home saying she's going to the store and asking about dinner.
March: I'm pretty much only updating because I'm really really really not wanting to do this essay right now.
April: Today was the nicest day I've had in a long time
May: So um. My parents = 6% strict according to the following dumb survey:
June: Last night was a very very weird night.
July: I was going to see The Devil Wears Prada tonight with Luis but he got sat a late table and so we couldn't make i
August: I leave for school in less than two weeks and that is crazy
September: So Stephanie informed me a while ago that Anothony Rapp will be speaking here, at Drunk College (aka University of South Carolina), in October.
October: I would now like to tell a somewhat embarrassing tale.
November: Well, it's only 9:15 and I've already been to class, taken a test, and gotten myself a well-deserved muffin from the russell house.
December: I just had the most wonderful weekend.
I think I have sufficiently studied today so now I'm going to watch tv or something unproductive.