Apr 11, 2006 14:30
Some where in the back of his mind Nathaniel could remember a time, or perhaps a place, where the whores and prostitutes of his city were derided, hated, forced to work on the cold streets. There was nothing like that for him now. He'd entered on of the establishments of Rhimnee and in just a few short months gained a reputation such that the White Leopard now drew twice the custom it had formerly done, and he himself could earn in an evening what would previously have taken him a month. He even had a room to call his own. The heavy draperies and constantly blazing fire keeping him warm even in the depths of winter when snow lay thick about the house.
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In a city where the denizens of the Street of Lights looked like so many butterflies, Nathaniel needed only his long auburn hair and violet eyes to stand out among them, and his unassumingness was a welcome change among the whores who vied with each other for the attentions of the nobility, and those wealthy for a night. A man catching sight of those eyes from the far side of a crowded room would often beg the indulgence of his companion and leave to make Nathaniel's acquaintance. So it was the night that he met Seregil for the first time.