Nov 20, 2009 00:59
So tonight I went on a first date with a girl name Katrina. She's the friend of a friend named Sam. Katrina is doing this 25 dates with 25 different guys and Sam recommended to me that I take part in it. I decided to give it a shot, I figure why not. Then leading up to setting up an official date and what we're going to do I'm starting to have second thoughts; I'm thinking, what would I have that this girl wouldn't see in other folks. I'm already thinking I'm at a disadvantage in that I'm the 6th guy, and all I'm thinking about is the stuff I'm not. You know, I'm not the best looking guy, I don't have the most glamourous job, all that other crap. Before the date starts I decide to TRY not to worry about that stuff. Just put myself out there and go with it and have as much fun as possible.
We agree to a time and place on where to meet. Of course, with my luck, I end up fucking late, because of two accidents downtown. I wanted to get there 10-15 minutes early because that's just my way, I don't really like to be late if I can help it. But, 15 minutes before I'm supposed to be there I get a call from her saying she's already there and I'd be there myself, but yeah those accidents. I start cussing up a storm because dammit, my luck again!
I get there, apologize for being late, she seemed pretty understanding. And with that, we're on our way to our destination, which is Georgia Tech to see the "Urban Nutcracker". We're both expecting to see this modern interpretation of the classic Nutcracker, but alas, its not to be, its more of a classic interpretation done with the majority African-American dancers. Which was fine, and it was good, just not what we were expecting.
The whole time, we're taking the time to get to know each other. Before our date, we had talked on facebook and I wanted to know her a little bit before our date so I asked her to give me one random fact about her and I'd give her one about me. I told her about my fandom of John Mayer and how I saw him in concert 30 times beteween 1999 and 2004. She came off pretty interested in that and asked questions about that and even asked me what song(s) would best describe why I like his music so much. That threw me off. But I told her I'd post a couple on facebook for her to hear. Another thing I asked, maybe I shouldn't have but I did anyway, was for her to tell me something that people would think would be negative. She told me she could be judgemental at times, but she's working on it. And I told her mine, which I was honest about and told her I was working on with her was that I tended to be quiet at times and I was trying not to be on our date, which I really was.
Anyways, the date went off, we had a good time together. It was getting late and she had an early morning so I dropped her off at her car And we went about our separate ways.
Overall, I do think the date went well. I really wanted to give it my best shot and for the most part I believe I did. I focused on her, I wasn't thinking about anyone else that I shouldn't be thinking about so that was good. I'm thinking she saw me as someone as a new friend, nothing more, which I did tell her was why I did it (I actually told her "When I fist saw you were doing it, I looked at it like this, worst case scenario, you make a new friend, best case scenario, the sky's the limit") So yeah, I did meet a new friend, which isn't a bad thing don't get me wrong, but it would've been nice to have hit it off a little more ya know what I mean? Especially since being on such a losing streak such as I have been lately.
It was nice to have gone out on an actual date, I almost forgot what it was like to have been on one of those.