Did we get a new vampire or blood-drinker? I want to meet him. Her. It. Frankly speaking most of the other vampires here are not as sociable as I would like.
Just curious, because someone took a flask that I had clearly put my name on.
[Private // Hackable]
Three powerful magicians in one compound, and no repercussions yet.
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You've just MISSED them happening. There's been plenty of bad stuff happening because of Fei Wong Reed. And some annoying things with Yuuko-sama, but not too bad. Not sure who you mean by third yet. Clow-sama has already left.
....maybe that blood needs a lock, now that I think about it. I mean, vampires can usually track their own kind for a way to get in and it'd be nice to avoid another Dor incident.
A lock would be a good idea, I suppose.
Ah, right. there are two Yuukos. I do not interact with them much and have only heard of the younger one. And Eriol...the reincarnation of Clow-sama. I was not aware he had his previous life's magical talent.
Perhaps I should get permission from all the vampires first?
Eriol told me so about that...
That would be lovely. I hope the others would be more...diplomatic.
Ah, I see.
Hopefully they will.
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