Guys I am so confused

Apr 14, 2011 15:25

DCAU is supposedly made up of Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, and Justice League - and a few other cartoons and some scattered comics and stuff (including my beloved batman beyond), but. The STAS and JL is the important thing right now.

So in JL, Aquaman has long blonde hippiehair and a beard and one hand and overall is a big grouch, who appears to have a strong dislike of wearing shirts. In the one STAS episode he shows up in he's... all right, so he's still a grouch, but he has no hippiehair and no beard, and he totally wears a shirt. Also he's got two hands but given that he loses his hand in his first episode in JL it's not like that's a sticking point or anything.

It's just. It's just the hair. I mean guys what's up with that I'm pretty sure that there wasn't that wide a gap between STAS and JL. I guess going by airdates between the two of them there's like 3 years in between, but if we assume that atlantean hair grows at the same rate as the hair of us surface dwellers, it's... unlikely (though I guess not impossible) that his hair would be that long, and in order to get close he'd never have been able to cut it between points A and B. I dunno. I am confuse.

And entirely apart from the hair issue, the underlying bone structure of his face seems to have changed a little.

Also I'm still not quite sure where John Stewart came from for GL but i guess i can accept that too, I just.

Aquaman. What.
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