Mar 23, 2005 11:25
well well well
i havent seemed to updated for a long whiley so here we go.
many things have happened, and i dont want to go in to the bad things, cos everyone already seems to know, and I dont like it. so ill focus on the happy things
I'm seeing my sister on sundy, with kevin, edward and louis. not for long, shes going back up north to yurkshire on tues day, and visiting friends inbetween. but im still really excited. It always happens that way, get really excited but i dont see them for long...enough,
So.... yah nothing interesting has happend that much. its been quite funny recently. at school i mean. Like yesterday
filming in the english corridoor. and mr aitkins reflection
*by the way welcome emily* (not oxley, although i do love you too.........much)
Im hating life at home now. And im not gonna be phoney, attention seeking or pretentious by mentioning it and not explaining and trailing off incomprehensible sentances...................
seriously tho
Im actually hating my dad. sometims. sometimes he can be really nice and lovely and kind, (although i know my friends dont believe me) but othre times he is such a bastard. and restrictive. urglh. apart from this weekend i cant even look forward to them cos i cant go out.
i still lubb my mummy tho, she is the bestest but she gets waylaid by my padre's crazy notions. i like those adverts. little notions make perfect sense. :) anyway, she spoils me when my dad dosnt know, and she dosnt mind when i taste the pasta with the same spoon i did - 17 seconds before.
ps is it just my parents who clean the house crazily before visitors come? for gods sake, she was raised in this pigsty.