Jan 01, 2006 04:07
I got myself paranoid. I went to WebMD to see if I could figure out my stomach pain, and I couldn't find anything, so I read up on my chest pain. When I lay down or sit in a certain position, I get this throbbing pain in my chest and the only way to make it go away is to pound on it until it starts to tingle, like your foot falling asleep. Well it said that was heartburn. So then I looked the stomach pain and heartburn up together and it came up with stomach cancer and the 3 main signs of stomach cancer are: heartburn, severe abdominal/stomach pain (indigestion), and loss of appetite or feeling full after eating small meals. I have all 3 of those. I eat tiny amounts of food and feel full after a few bites.
These three early symptoms of stomach cancer often occur after eating:
Indigestion. This includes burning in the stomach or upper abdomen, abdominal pain, bloating (full feeling), belching and gas, nausea and vomiting, acidic taste in the mouth, or growling stomach.
Loss of appetite. Or, you may feel full after eating very little.
Heartburn. This is a burning sensation deep in the chest.
I looked up Irritable Bowel Syndrom, Lactose Intolerance, and Peptic Ulcer, and none of them fit the stymptoms. The only one that fits is stomach cancer. So I got myself all paranoid. As soon as I get my student loans in a few weeks, I'm going to a doctor and getting it checked out. I can't stand the pain. I'm in pain right now because I just ate. Food makes it so much worse.